
Friday, March 27, 2020

Well done Whanau!

Great work team! 

Look how many books we have read in the past three days. Keep up the great reading team. Remember to email us or post to your blog any work you have been doing at home. We would love to see it!

Thursday, March 26, 2020

Oreo and Peanut go on holiday!

If you were worried about Oreo and Peanut, don't be! Helen has taken them home for some time away from school and some sunshine. Have a nice time guinea pigs!!

Wednesday, March 25, 2020

Barnaby Bennett, Read by Brogan!

We will be reading a new story every week. We might not be able to see you, but you can see us! 

There is a link on our webpage that shows you what your kaiako have been up to. It is right under the Home Learning and FAQs buttons. 

Leon's Blog

Leon has been busy making some stop motion mini-movies - check out his personal blog and see creativity in action! Well done Leon - I wonder how many others can have a go at this?


Stay safe Whanau

Saturday, March 14, 2020

Inquiry focus- How do we keep healthy?

This week for our inquiry our focus was on 'how to be healthy'. Students were asked to get 5 facts from some videos posted on our website. After this students then created a slideshow or made a poster.

Hugo made an amazing slideshow this week that is too good not to share! He has even taken pictures of himself demonstrating what it means to be healthy!

Thursday, March 12, 2020

Inquiry Week 6

This week we have been learning about how we can keep our bodies healthy. The children showed their learning through posters, Google slideshows and iPad apps such as Explain Everything. Some children additionally made creations in the makerspace.
Here are some of the children at work, and some finished products.

Monday, March 9, 2020

Inquiry Week 5

Over the past few weeks we have been working hard during our inquiry time researching new topics about our theme this year of GROWING!

Last week we were focused on 'what our body needs to grow' and 'the human life cycle'. It is our aim during inquiry time to find five facts about the topic and publish a piece of work to share on Friday during connect time. We can publish our work by creating a poster, blog post, slideshow or explain everything document. 

Publishing is a new thing for lots of us this year and we are still learning. Each week we learn something new about how we can publish our work and try new things. 

Here are some of our published pieces from last week. 

We would love to hear some feedback from you on what we have done well and what we could do better next time!

Friday, March 6, 2020

Choice and Challenge

This week the children enjoyed a studio choice and challenge on Friday morning. Some options were swimming, building, gardening, making pancakes and working on their inquiry projects. Here are some pictures of the children's creations. Can your child share with you what they chose today?

Tuesday, March 3, 2020

Our Garden is starting to grow!

In Papatūānuku we are starting to grow our own garden.

Last week we planted silverbeet in the planter box outside the studio. If you look closely at the photo you can see some of the seeds sprouting out!

We have also planted beetroot, cabbage and celery into planter boxes. We are waiting for these to grow a bit more before we transfer them into the other planter box.

Thank you to all the students who are remembering to water these each day! Keep up the great work!